10 Crazy IVF Superstitions That Actually Work!

If you’re a control freak like me… not many things make you feel as “out of control” as undergoing the IVF process.

There was something really disconcerting about having to simply trust my doctors and my body when it came to my reproductive future (But I was definitely in the best hands at Shady Grove Fertility! So, in order to maintain a modicum of sanity during this process, I dug deep into the things you might be able to do to help your body along the way! I have compiled them here for you, along with links on how to find some of the crazy things that have shown to improve your chance of IVF egg retrieval and transfer. Here are 10 crazy IVF superstitions that have actually proven to work:

1. Eating Pineapple Core

Pineapple core contains Bromelain which has numerous therapeutic effects. 1. It’s an anti-inflammatory agent which can help women who have issues with implantation caused by inflammation. It can also act as an anti-coagulant/blood thinner. Blood thinners can help women trying to conceive by supporting blood flow to the uterus (the better the blood flow to the uterus, the better chances of conception). Did I eat you? You bet I did… and it tasted like cardboard… sorry.

If you’re wondering HOW THE HELL DO YOU CORE A PINEAPPLE? You’re not alone… But I found this handy dandy tool that makes it a breeze! 

Does it really work? I don’t know! But the science is there and most patients swear by it.

2. Eating McDonald’s French Fries After Transfer

This might have been my favorite superstition and one that I definitely partook in myself! And I’m happy to report that my embryo’s first meal after leaving Shady Grove Fertility was french fries! This superstition comes from doctors wanting patients to stay as hydrated as possible and to absorb fluid. What helps you retain water – salt of course! So get yourself some guilt-free super-sized fries!

3. Drinking Gatorade After Egg Retrievals

This superstition was shared by a girlfriend of mine and a few friends on Instagram. Many women experience what’s called OHSS (Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome) after egg retrieval. Essentially, the body is over stimulated from the medicine needed to grow excess follicles. Side effects can range from mild bloating to more serious issues that require immediate medical care. Gatorade is said to restore your electrolytes and prevent the nasty side effects of OHSS. 

I didn’t drink massive amounts of Gatorade during my first retrieval and ended up with OHSS… coincidence? Be safe and get yourself a pack of Gatorade!

4. Eating Brazil Nuts After Ovulation

Did you just ovulate? Better run out for some Brazil Nuts! Brazil nuts contain selenium, a mineral that helps to thicken the uterine wall. And a healthy uterine lining can encourage implantation. Selenium is also a mild anticoagulant, which can increase blood flow to the ovaries and uterus. Who knew?!

5. Drinking Pomegranate Juice Before Ovulation

Hold off on those Brazil Nuts! First you should drink Pomegranate Juice before you ovulate! Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants and is “rumored” to increase fertility. How? It increases blood flow to the uterus which can promote a healthy uterine lining. Be sure to let the men in your life in on this one too! For men, drinking pomegranate juice is said to improve sperm concentration and motility!

We’re halfway there!

6. Surround Yourself With Turtles

This one may sound a little bit crazy (but just wait until you get to #10!). It’s rumored that keeping turtles around you during an IVF surrogacy can promote womb receptiveness! These peaceful creatures create calm and are known around the world as a symbol of fertility. Not ready to get a pet turtle? Try this plush Pokemon Squirtle instead! 

7. Wear “Lucky Transfer Socks”

This is my favorite superstitions and I really went to the extreme with this one… I may have worn 4 pairs of lucky socks. The superstition is: “warm feet = warm uterus.” By wearing socks during your transfer, and keeping your body temperature high, your uterus is rumored to be nice and cozy – perfect to receive your little embryo friend during transfer!

Here’s a peek at a few of my socks:

8. Getting Acupuncture Before/After IVF Transfer

I wasn’t fancy enough to get acupuncture before OR after IVF transfer, but many patients SWEAR by it. What IS scientifically proven is that acupuncture does increase blood flow and reduce stress. And those are two things that we definitely need to be able to improve overall wellness during IVF.

9. Sending “Sticky Thoughts”

The IVF community is filled with incredible people on their journey to a little miracle! You will hear from time to time: “Sending you sticky thoughts!” And you heard that right. So what the heck is a sticky thought? Well, the goal after an IVF transfer for your embryo to “stick” in the uterus, so it’s thought that by thinking of sticky things, eating honey, chewing bubble gum or leaving post-its around your house can improve your chances. No science here… but it is REALLY CUTE. 

And for our final (and definitely most BIZARRE) superstition…

10. Expose Yourself To Clowns…

No, you didn’t get redirected to a spam page… there is actual SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that exposure to clowning after an IVF transfer increases your chance of success by…wait for it… FIFTY PERCENT! No, I’m not kidding

Unfortunately (or fortunately) I didn’t hear about this superstition until AFTER my IVF transfer, but those numbers don’t lie! So maybe it’s time to invest in a clown visit after your next transfer? Don’t worry, you don’t need to invite me…

I hope you enjoyed this fun little blog on all of the crazy IVF superstitions! Thank you to all of my friends and incredible women in the IVF community who shared their favorites!

XOXO, Allyn